Tuesday, March 4, 2014


For a couple years now I have been attempting on my own to learn Japanese. This is not an easy thing to do. Not only is difficult to learn its odd grammar, but you also have the great difficulty in dealing with 3 different written languages. Two of which, Hiragana and Katakana, are relatively easy. However, Kanji proves to be quite cumbersome and difficult. This really becomes evident when you start to learn that a single kanji can have multiple readings (On & Kun).

To assist me in my journey to learning Kanji I am using a product known as WaniKani. The basis of the WaniKani system is a SRS(Spaced Repetition System). With Wanikani you are taught a Kanji with mnemonics, and then quizzed on it over spaced intervals. You get it right, the time  for your next quiz increases, wrong it decreases. As you progress through the intervals you start to receive vocabulary items for that kanji that also are quizzed at spaced intervals. Eventually, you get to the level of completing a Kanji and no longer require quizzing as at this point it should be ingrained into your memory.

To make WaniKani simplified the developers had to select the reading for the Kanji based on what vocabulary they would be presenting. Unfortunately, at times this can come up short as some readings may not be quizzed, yet are still useful to be learned. So the point of this blog is a learning tool for me, for each day, seek out one of the Kanji I have completed and make sure I know all the common reading and meanings for the it. I plan to detail the readings, meanings, and examples for that Kanji.

Though this blog will be tailored to my needs, if it helps other great. Also I highly suggest giving WaniKani a try, it is a great resource for learning Kanji. And no, I am not receiving anything for saying that.

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